An abridged resume follows. If you are interested in a full resume, please contact me directly.
Who am I?
I'm still working on this question. You can also consult my personal resume to learn more about me.
I have worked with parallel computers since 1988 (anyone remember the
Inmos Transputer?). My main experience has been in software tools and
and application performance. I have been building and using Linux clusters
since 1995. Prior to using clusters, I have had my hands on many
parallel computers many of which are no longer in existence.
Over all, I have had direct experience with designing and building
over one hundred clusters.
Currently, I am Editor of ClusterMonkey
and Senior HPC Editor at Linux Magazine.
I also assist with a consulting company called Basement Supercomputing.
Why I like clusters
Prior to the advent of "Beowulf Clusters", their was no standard way
to implement parallel software. Of course there was MPI, but other
aspects of the parallel architecture were often very system specific.
Indeed, there were even "cluster" parallel computers based on
UNIX workstations.
When the Beowulf "concept" emerged, some things changed. First,
hardware was based on commodity products and thus provided a
low cost solution that was available from multiple sources. Second,
the OS and software tools were open source and adaptable to many types of hardware. Suddenly, a very propriety and closed technology became open,
flexible, and low cost. The number of parallel computers (Beowulf clusters)
quickly grew and now provides a robust flexible platform on which to implement
We are now in an exciting time. Clusters have made parallel
computing a reality for many people. Now the only thing
that prevents us from creating parallel computing "killer applications"
is our imagination. In addition, the advent of using graphics processors
as parallel desktop supercomputers is very interesting to me as well.
Educational Background
Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Received B.S. in Chemistry May, 1979.
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Received Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry September 1984.
Note: Some of the ClusterWorld publications are now on Cluster Monkey. The Linux Magazine articles are also
on the Linux Magazine Site.
Linux Magazine (2005) monthly column "Cluster Rant"
December 2003: Probing Gigabit Ethernet
January 2004: An Interview with Steve Wallach,Assume Nothing, Test Everything
February 2004: Hedging on Clusters: Clusters in Finance, The NAS Suite,
May 2004: The ClusterWorld Benchmark Project
June 2004: ClusterWorld Conference and Expo 2004: Part 1
July 2004 ClusterWorld Conference and Expo 2004: Part 2
August 2004 The ClusterWorld Benchmark Project FAQ
September 2004;MySQL Cluster: Interview and Background,Winning with HPC: The HPC Users Conference
November 2004: Benchmarking: The State of the CWBP
January 2005: Ten Question for the EGA, SC2004 Wrap-up: HPC from
Pittsburgh, The Value Cluster: Cheaper, Better, Faster
March 2005: The Value Cluster Part 2: Software Installation
May 2005: The Value Cluster Part Three: Packages and Testing
Linux magazine, November 2004: Why Linux on Clusters?
Implementing Prolog on Distributed Systems: n-parallel PROLOG, Douglas Eadline, ILPS '94, Post Conference Workshop on Design and Implementation of Parallel Logic Programming Systems, November 18, 1994, Ithaca NY, Enrico Pontelli, Gopal Gupta, Laboratory for Logic, DB, and Advanced Programming, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003.
Design and Implementation of a Prolog-to-C Compiler, A.F. Dedkov and D.J. Eadline, Post Conference Workshop on ILPS '94, Implementation Techniques for Logic Programming Languages, November 17, 1994, Ithaca, NY, Koen De Bosschere, Bart Demoen, and Paul Tarau, ELIS, Universiteit Gent, St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Gent, Belgium.
"How will you write software for a 1000 node parallel computer?", Parallelogram, #52, March 1993.
"Making PROLOG Parallel", Douglas J. Eadline, AI Expert, Vol. 4, No. 7, July 1989.
"High Frequency Time Domain Dielectric Spectrometer for the Determination of Water in Polymer Coatings on Metal Substrates", Douglas J. Eadline and Henry Leidheiser, Jr., Rev. Sci. Instrum. (1985) 56, 1432.
"Experimental Errors and Artifacts for a Time Domain Lumped Capacitor Dielectric Spectrometer", Douglas J. Eadline and Henry Leidheiser, Jr., Rev. Sci. Instrum. (1986) 57, 898.